Vision Therapy in Hong Kong
Vision Therapy can improve coordination, focus, and understanding.
What is Vision Therapy?
Vision therapy is a series of activities designed to improve eye muscle control, which in turn helps children better understand what they are reading and seeing.
Vision therapy aims to improve coordination problems, focusing difficulties, eye tracking, lower-than-expected visual thinking and understanding. Vision therapy also aims to enhance binocular vision efficiency and improve visual comfort.
Who Can Benefit from Vision Therapy?
Though often indicated for children struggling in school, vision therapy can also change the lives of adults. If you or someone you know has persistent headaches or a lazy eye that never got better, vision therapy may be the next step to vision health and better quality of life.
Vision therapy is highly individualised, and for best results, should be performed under the supervision of a qualified optometrist.

Vision Therapy for Adults and Children
There are only minor differences between the technical practice of vision therapy for adults and children. Your optometrist will provide education and instruction on the exercises to be performed and will then supervise those exercises–with appropriate correction.
Dr. Vanessa Thai is a specialist in paediatric optometry, and therefore is uniquely suited to work with children in an effective and engaging manner.
You can learn more about paediatric vision therapy in an article written by Dr. Thai which is featured in Playtimes magazine.
The Most Common Signs of Vision Problems
How do you know if you or a child needs vision therapy? The following common signs or comments are sufficient to schedule an appointment.
Because many vision problems present themselves in school-aged children, vision therapy or behavioural optometry might be necessary if a child is described as:
- Doing poorly in school
- Failing
- Not working up to potential
- Having a school/reading problem
- Having difficulties with learning or disliking school work
For adults, similar comments might be made in the context of work. Such as:
- Having headaches after a certain amount of time
- Experiencing tired eyes
- Not meeting productivity expectations
The Benefits of Vision Therapy
Vision Therapy aims to improve the overall experience of vision.
For some people, this may result in the ability to work on the computer for longer and without headaches and blurred vision. For others, especially the paediatric population, vision therapy can improve athletic and daily task coordination along with reading comprehension and speed.
Examples of Vision Therapy Exercises
The equipment for improving vision through vision therapy functions to challenge specific parts of vision.
The use of prisms or specially designed lenses requires your eyes to focus differently than normal. Light or electric targets can be used to improve coordination, visual tracking, and speed.
The list of vision therapy equipment is extensive, and includes unique tools and household items. Consistent and correct performance of exercises is the key to having better use of your sight.
Eye Carrot, uploaded by, Feb. 1st, 2022,

Binovi Vision Performance
Dr. Thai also uses Binovi in her vision therapy treatments. Binovi uses a surface with lights and sensors to assess and improve visual coordination, eye tracking, and other vision problems.
This vision therapy tool is especially beneficial for athletics, healthy aging, and paediatric vision therapy.

Can Vision Therapy Be Performed at Home?
Your optometrist will prescribe specific activities and programs that are intended to be performed regularly at home. Additionally, in-office vision therapy appointments set the foundation for at-home success.
Attending your supervised sessions will promote consistency and correct performance and thus improve your work, school work, and recreational eyesight.